Harbour Task Group
Dear Harbour User,
Elected members of Scarborough Council have set up a Task Group to assess future fishing industry requirements in Scarborough Harbour and explore the use of Scarborough West Pier. A series of consultation events have been programmed to obtain views and information.
Invite Number 1. To All Harbour Users, Stakeholders and the general public. 2pm Wednesday 7th February 2018. Scarborough Town Hall.
A discussion with industry experts and policy makers about the future regulation of the UK fishing industry and infrastructure requirements at Scarborough Harbour. Question and answer session with representatives from the MMO, NEIFCA and Independent Marine fisheries experts.
Questions from the public are invited but must be submitted in writing to StJohn Harris at StJohn.Harris@scarborough.gov.uk by Friday 2nd February 2017.
Invite Number 2. Fishing Industry Representatives – Catching and Processing Sector only.
Invite Number 3. All other Harbour users and stakeholders i.e. Scarborough Yacht Club, South Bay Traders, Scarborough and District Civic Society and any other stakeholder organisation. 10am Monday 12th February 2018 RNLI Meeting Room.
A discussion about the value of the fishing industry to the wider economy of Scarborough and how this may influence the regeneration of Scarborough West Pier.
Please confirm your attendance to meeting 1,2, and or 3 by emailing Lesley.Dale@scarborough.gov.uk by Friday 2 February 2018.
Yours sincerely
For and on behalf of
Cllr Mark Vesey
Chair of the Task Group
Background Information:
You are hopefully aware that Scarborough Borough Council recently drafted a Strategic Business Plan for Scarborough Harbour 2017-2030. https://democracy.scarborough.gov.uk/documents/s78447/Strategic%20Business%20Plan%20for%20Scarborough%20Harbour.pdf
As a next step to progressing with implementation of the business plan the Borough Council wish to develop a fuller understanding of the current and future requirements of the fishing industry, both the catching a processing sectors.
A small Task Group of elected members has been put together to undertake this work.
The group had a site visit to the harbour in November 2017 and had a look at the current facilities and infrastructure available to the industry.
The Task Group would now welcome the chance to speak to a range of stakeholders to obtain their direct input, ideas and comments of what we need to plan for in the future.
Once this information has been gathered the Task Group will be in a position to make recommendations to the Council as to what infrastructure needs to be maintained / put in place to support the industry for the foreseeable future and how this may impact on proposals to regenerate the West Pier area.
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