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Post Regatta and Trafalgar Night
Ahoy All, Just a quick line from me about the Regatta weekend, I think a great time was had by all. It is one…
Website Membership
Edited If you read this post previously you will now see it has changed, sorry about this messing about but we are trying to…
The Magenta Project
Magenta Project “Accelerating women to the top of sailing” The club has been very fortunate to be included in this year’s RYA Magenta…
Sailing Instructions
The 2018 Sailing Instructions and Attachments are available for download in 2018 Racing Documents.
RYA Keelboat Academy 17th & 18th March CANCELLED
The RYA are running a keelboat academy on the 17 & 18 March at SYC. There are still places available to SYC members. The…
Harbour Task Group
Dear Harbour User, Elected members of Scarborough Council have set up a Task Group to assess future fishing industry requirements in Scarborough Harbour…